Who am I?

Years before I began the education to become a therapist, I was a client.

Nothing has shaped me as much as the work I’ve done to go into my own story with a compassionate witness—someone who named things before I could see them, and someone who helped me recover the goodness I’d lost in myself along the way. Therapy was where I learned to let myself be seen, let myself be soothed, and let myself be safe. This has impacted every other relationship I have.

I’m a mom to 4 kiddos, a partner to the best guy I’ve ever known, a friend to a small circle of folks who have loved me and laughed with me for a lifetime (or, a season of a lifetime), and a therapist to the bravest and most beautiful people. I’m an east coast transplant with my roots in Maryland; a lover of blue crabs and the Baltimore Ravens, all the while making my home here in the Colorado mountains. I believe that beauty and play are the language of healing, and that a cup of coffee can’t fix us, but can make any day just a little bit better. Laughter has saved me in some of the darkest moments of my life, and I hold onto it like a life raft. I believe that the truth of the gospel is that nothing is too dead to come back to life, and I believe that the gospel is for everyone.

I do this work because I’ve seen my life changed by it, and because my life is still being changed by it.

When I say you aren’t alone, it’s because I have taken the long, hard, slow, soft way through my own story of trauma, anxiety, religious deconstruction, marriage and motherhood. It’s my greatest privilege to meet you in these spaces.

Contact me

Interested in working together? This is where to start!